WPDA Board Members
Jan Bauman - President and Education Chair
I enjoy being on the WPDA Board and am honored to be the President. I am able to meet so many equestrians and make new friends, learn about all parts of the sport, in addition to riding and bringing information and tools to the WPDA community.
My daughter raised me from being an intimidated mom on the sidelines watching her daughter ride to becoming a passionate equestrian. Calypso “Clippy” is my 28-year-old Clydesdale/thoroughbred cross who continues to teach me every time I ride. Terry (aka Terry Bradshaw the blonde bomber) is my new 7-year-old Haflinger. He is giving me the opportunity to learn groundwork and what it means to be the confident leader of a young horse.
In December 2022, after more than a decade of boarding at Greenmoor Equestrian Center and half of that time working there, I became the tenant of the property and business manager. Together with Jackie Marshman as the barn manager, we strive to provide the best quality full care board, putting the horses first in all we do.
I encourage you to volunteer for the club in any way. Think about what you like to do, what you are good at, and take the first step. If you have as little as an hour or two to help at a horse show or you want a voice in board decisions, or anything in between, you are WELCOME! I got involved because someone asked me; now I am asking you.
Barbara Wozniak - Treasurer and Banquet and Awards Chair
Hi, I’m Barbara Wozniak and I am the club treasurer responsible for maintaining the bank accounts; recording all income and expense activity; and managing online credit/debit card transactions. Previously, I’ve served as secretary; board director; and show secretary for numerous WPDA shows. I’ve also served as the banquet and award chairperson several times.
Volunteering for these positions has given me many opportunities: to learn more about working with board and club members; to be more involved in our equestrian community; to meet many exciting people who love to talk about everything horses; and personally, to grow as a rider and horse lover.
I’ve been a WPDA member for at least 20 years and have enjoyed being active in our club to meet other dressage riders and to help implement the shows and educational events we offer which are truly beneficial to all of us in our “never-ending” quest and challenge to become better horse owners and riders.
I own my Welsh pony, Rivendell (better known as Seven) who is incorrigible in the cross ties, but super under saddle. He’s now 20 and I’ve had him since he was 5 – and no improvement in his manners.
Rachel Moody - Secretary and Sponsorship Chair
As a longtime WPDA member, I value the opportunities that the club provides to its membership. I'm excited to serve as the Sponsorship Chair, connecting premier companies and services to our members and helping to make high-quality education and competition opportunities attainable to riders of all levels.
I am deeply honored to be the 2024 Keystone Merit Award recipient and looking forward to putting it towards upcoming clinics and schooling shows with my paint draft cross, Jack.
Jody Basso - Board Director and Membership Chair
Hello, my name is Jody Basso and I am the new WPDA Membership Chairperson. I get to welcome new and renewing members and enroll everyone in the WPDA and the USDF participating rosters.
My daughter Mia and I have been WPDA members for over 6 years. We have both volunteered at numerous WPDA shows and events and where we have met many new friends and have become part of the horse community. I’ve taken on the responsibility of the Membership chair to become more active in the Club.
I enjoy riding my beautiful horse Sisi and take lessons to improve my horsemanship. I’m not up to competing yet, but I really enjoy going to shows to watch my daughter and friends compete, being around other horse-minded people, and sharing experiences.
For me, volunteering for the WPDA is a great way to stay connected to the horse community and at the same time learn more about the wonderful equines in our lives.
Jennifer Cunningham - Board Director
Hello, my name is Jenn Cunningham and I am a newer WPDA member, joining in 2022. WPDA sponsored events and shows taught me how much fun pure dressage could be: I left eventing and haven’t looked back! I joined the board to become more active in our equestrian community and to continue to learn and develop as a rider. I have two OTTBs. My long time eventing partner, Owen, is living his very best life in retirement. Cricket is 7 and has decided that she is indeed a Dressage Queen. I hope to see you at a WPDA event soon. Please stop by and say hi!
Karen Pool - Board Director and Social Media Communications and Website Co-Chairperson
For the past two years, I have been a WPDA Board Director and the Social Media Communications & Website Co-Chairperson. Volunteering to handle the club’s communications with Jessica Kendlick has been a rewarding experience. I have made great friends and met so many amazing people. I love that through the WPDA I can be active in the equestrian community and help facilitate learning opportunities through our events.
I decided about 10 years ago to start taking regular dressage lessons. I learned from many horses along the way. For the past four years have enjoyed a partnership with a handsome, tolerant OTTB, Lucky.
I have participated in many WPDA events including clinics, the year-end banquet and schooling shows. I would recommend joining the WPDA in any way you can. We are a fun group!
Additional Board Bio’s Coming Soon!
March 2023
I would just like to give all of you a BIG COMPLIMENT by saying that all of you at WPDA have been so exceptionally nice, professional and A JOY to be around! I cannot wait to start volunteering with your group. You make me feel so great and want to belong!
- Charlotte, 2023 WPDA Member